We offer many extra curricular clubs here at Mrs Ethelston's.
Mrs Ethelstons Club House Wraparound Care Club
We have our new breakfast club Mrs Ethelston's Clubhouse, this runs every morning from 08:00-09:00am and is open for all children from Reception to Year 6. The children receive a healthy breakfast and then can play with their friends both inside and outside.
We also have our new after school club Mrs Ethelston's Clubhouse after school club, it is also open for Reception to Year 6 children. There are various times that you are able to book, these are 3:30-4:30pm, 3:30-6pm or 4:30-6:00pm if your child would like to take part in a different club first.
Mrs Ethelston's Clubhouse is bookable via your ParentPay account. Please contact the school office if you would like any further information.
All clubs will commence the week beginning Monday 13th January 2025 for the Spring Term.