Vision and Values

Our Church school believes that everyone is a unique individual created by God. We strive to nurture and develop everyone’s unique God-given talents in a supportive, loving environment.  We all have high aspirations of children’s academic achievement, personal and spiritual development and their well-being.  Christian values are at the heart of the relationships between all members of our school community.

“Deep Christian roots, Nurturing strong growth, Flourishing children.”

We are a Christian family at the heart of our community

We believe in a school founded on our core Christian values of love, peace, perseverance, friendship, good choices and celebrating life.

We believe in developing each child spiritually, morally and socially within a Christian context, helping each child to consider their own attitudes, values and beliefs.

We believe in forging a partnership with parents, the local parish and the wider community, working together to enable children to grow creatively and to achieve their best in a happy and secure environment. We invite many different Christian and other

We celebrate good things

We believe children deserve a relevant, rich and challenging curriculum, which is carefully planned and well taught, so that they can experience success and learn to persevere.

We believe children should develop their creative abilities enabling them to have enquiring flexible minds.

We believe in celebrating the talents of each unique individual, who is created in God’s image, developing children’s self-esteem and confidence.

We are all different

We believe in celebrating and valuing different cultures, beliefs and abilities, so that everyone is valued equally.

We believe that every child should achieve their full potential.

We aim high

We believe that children, staff and governors should aspire to the highest possible standards in all aspects of school life.

We keep happy, healthy and safe

We believe that children are entitled to the very best learning experience we can offer in a secure, loving and respectful atmosphere.

Christian Values

As a Christian school, our core Christian values lie at the heart of all we do. They are;

  • Celebrating life
  • Good choices
  • Friendship
  • Perseverance
  • Peace
  • Love

SIAMS Inspection

Mrs Ethelston's was rated as Outstanding at our most recent Church Schools Inspection.

Ethos Committee

We have two Ethos Committees. One consists of child representatives from each class, the Christian Distinctiveness Co-ordinator and the Head of School. The other is made up of Governors and Heads of School from our Multi-Academy Trust.

The Children’s Ethos Committee gives the children a voice about our Ethos. They also take responsibility of maintaining and growing our Ethos throughout the school and enabling more spiritual opportunities for each and every child. They lead a variety of fundraising events to support local causes and charities, for example Cancer Research and The Word Forest Association.

The Governor’s Ethos Committee is made from Governors, Heads of schools and Christian Distinctiveness Co-ordinators from across the Academy Trust. They meet once a term to continually support and progress the Ethos of each school by combining a variety of expertise and sharing strengths from other schools. They ensure RE, Ethos and SMSC is delivered to a high standard in every school.

Together, we work to investigate different areas and create action plans to improve these areas, which are shared with the governing body. We also regularly evaluate collective worship. If you have any feedback, please let a member of the committee know.

Collective Worship

  • Monday– 9am - Once a month this is a Celebration Worship, where special achievements are celebrated. Parents are welcome to attend Celebration worships.
  • Tuesday- 9am - Open the Book worships held fortnightly.
  • Wednesday- 9am House Worship
  • Thursday– 9am Key Stage Worship - praising through song
  • Friday– 9am – Each class leads one worship a term.

Parents, Carers and Members of the Community are welcome to attend our Friday class worship.

Headteacher’s Certificates are awarded once a month in Celebration Worship on a Monday; similarly Ethos Certificates are awarded at the end of each half term in Celebration Worship.  These are awarded to children by their peers who vote on who they believe show our  values in action.

We also hold special services to mark Christian festivals at Harvest, Christmas, Easter and our Leavers' Service in the Summer.

Please find below a report from our Governor Carley Franke on our school Worships. 


Page Downloads Date  
SMSC Statement for Website 19th Sep 2023 Download
WORSHIP Governor visit 07th Jun 2024 Download