Home Learning

Homework in KS1 takes the following format. 

Children are given homework grids which are issued at the start of each term. These include a variety of activities for the children to choose from and link closely with the theme for the term. Children are given guidance on how many to complete and when to submit them. 

As part of the Read, Write, Inc three day cycle, the children will be given two books to share with you at home. One book is the book the children have been exploring in school and the other one is an unfamiliar text linked to their level of reading. 

Homework in KS2 takes the following format. 

Children are given daily maths homework Monday - Wednesday. This work is linked to the learning from the lesson that day. On Thursday, a different task is set either on Active Primary or TT Rockstars. 

Homework grids are issued at the start of each term. These include a variety of activities for the children to choose from and link closely with the theme for the term. Children are given guidance on how many to complete and when to submit them. 

Daily maths homework is marked at the start of the following day and the other homework tasks are celebrated and shared with the class at an appropriate time. 

Regular reading is expected and the children are also issued spelling lists to learn for weekly tests.